Evaluate Effectiveness of Deployed Process

(Activity) for Tier: Governance

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It is important to assess whether deployed process is achieving the desired results for process practitioners across the organization. Positive and negative data trends should be evaluated for impact on achieving process improvement objectives, and ultimately, organizational objectives. When desired objectives are not achieved, a deeper investigation should be launched to understand why.


Yearly or Within Period of Performance



SWOT data, related to process, has been collected from projects.


  1. Analyze SWOT data.

    • Analyze SWOT data, as it relates to process, and determine whether specific process concerns require investigation. Positive trends can indicate that a process is helping projects performance. While negative trends can indicate poor process function. Document the results of analysis including data collected, interpretation and conclusions drawn. Create a new User Story when a positive or negative trend is discovered for a particular process. The user story will allow for investigation of the process concern and possible updates to process.
  2. Analyze Process Metrics

  3. Determine Process Improvement Objective Completion.

    • Review Organizational and Process Improvement Objectives and determine whether SWOT process concerns disrupt achievement of objective. Escalate any concerns to CTO and COO.
    • Review Process Metrics and determine if progress has met Improvement Objectives. Close Feature/Epic work items based on progress.
    • Review Organizational and Process Improvement Objectives and determine whether they have been met. Close any Epic work items that have been achieved.


    It may be beneficial to perform causal analysis resolution here.



  • Epic work items that have met process improvement objectives are closed.
  • Feature work items that have met process metric performance objectives have been closed.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4