Define Processes

(Activity) for Tier: Governance

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Continuous improvement is critical if we want to be leaders in the software development industry. As we discover areas for improvement, we will often need to refine our software development processes. Having structure behind process definition will ensure we can effectively and efficiently define process solutions to meet industry challenges. This activity helps guide process action teams as they define solutions to help our company to grow and mature.


Once process action plans have been established.



  • Process action plans have been created, and stakeholders have committed to executing the action plans.


  1. Draft Proposed Process.

    • The Software Process Improvement (SPI) Engineer will create a new branch within the process guidance solution repository. In the context of this activity, Agile Steering Group members and Process Group members serve a SPI Engineers.

    • The SPI Engineer will capture all proposed changes within this new branch.

      • Reference the ISI Process Development Guidelines to ensure process content is written with a common writing style, format, etc.

      • While drafting the changes, be succinct and avoid being overly prescriptive, and focus on intent and best practices over steps and procedure. Also, be sure to consider the following:

        • Other’s perspectives. Consult with other subject matter experts to gain their perspective in an effort to draft a well-rounded process solution.
        • Areas of impact. Determine how proposed changes will impact other areas within our process infrastructure, and include those areas within the process solution.
        • The value-added. To ensure we are improving, rather than just introducing change, determine the additional value the process solution will provide.


  • Proposed Process Changes (via a new branch within the process guidance source code repository)


  • A set of proposed process changes, aligning to company stardards, values, and desired culture, have been drafted and are ready for review.


Process Development Guidelines

Process Guidance Version: 10.4