Tailor Process

(Activity) for Tier: Governance

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The purpose of process tailoring is to fine-tune a project’s process beyond the best practices identified by the organization and to meet the specific needs of the project. Each situation, including: Customers, users, project size and complexity, team skills and experience, are all unique factors to consider. Tailoring allows a project to apply lessons learned for their specific situation while still meeting the overall expectations of the organization. Tailoring may also be used as a way to pilot new processes.


Anytime, typically following a retrospective.




    Need ASG to define the roles responsible for this activity.


  • Process Artifact
  • Related Procedure


  • A process artifact has been reviewed


  1. Analyze Need to Tailor

    • A team member requests a change to a process. Use the following as a guideline for when to request tailoring.

      • Request tailoring when the change is to the execution of an activity in the process guidance. This may include inputs, outputs, and anything covered under PPQA audit criteria or process group compliance.
      • Tailoring is not needed to change templates, procedures, or team level working agreements. Procedures must still adhere to the minimum requirements defined in the process guidance.
    • A team member will present their team’s Scrum Master with an informal Process Tailoring Request. This request will at minimum include the organization’s current process, the team’s procedure, and the justification for the tailoring request.

    • The Scrum Master works with the team member to determine if tailoring is necessary and assesses the impacts of the change. A team procedure change may be selected instead based on the team’s working agreements.

  2. Submit Tailoring Request

    • The Scrum Master assists the team member with presenting the proposal to the team.
    • Once team buy-in is achieved, the Scrum Master will submit a formal tailoring request to the Software Process Group for review.
    • The Software Process Group notifies the Scrum Master upon approval or rejection of the tailoring request. If rejected, the group may provide an alternate suggestion.


  • The informal process change has been reviewed by the Scrum Master


Process Guidance Version: 10.4