Review Proposed Process Changes

(Activity) for Tier: Governance

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Reviewing process changes prior to implementation is critical as it will ensure the solution meets establish quality criteria and aligns with organizational policies, vision, and culture. Performing reviews of a proposed solution will help maintain integrity of our overall process set.


Once a proposed process solution has been created.



  • Proposed Process Changes (via a new branch within the process guidance source code repository)


  • A set of proposed process changes, aligning to company stardards, values, and desired culture, have been drafted and are ready for review.


  1. Create Pull Request

    • The Software Process Improvement (SPI) Engineer who authored the proposed changes creates a pull request against the code branch containing the proposed changes. Within the pull request, be sure to address the following.

      • Identify the source branch.

      • Identify the desire destination (i.e., into what branch you want to merge into).

      • Provide a description of the changes.

      • Assign the pull request to all SPI Engineers (in the context of this activity would include all Agile Steering Group members and Process Group members).


        While it is expected that the proposed process changes have been vetted through appropriate subject matter experts prior to requesting a review by the Agile Steering Group, if the situation calls for subject matter experts involvement, add them as optional reviewers within the pull request.

  2. Complete The Review

    • The SPI Engineer reviews the proposed changes outlined in the pull request.

      • Ensure the process conforms with the ISI Process Development Guidelines.
      • This review should focus on the added value from the proposed changes, as well as overall process cohesiveness, completeness, and alignment to company standards, values, and desired culture.
      • Feedback should be provided within the pull request. This will ensure the author and reviewers can view the feedback comments, and it will help promote a collaborative team review.
    • The SPI Engineer who authored the changes will review feedback and take action accordingly.

      • All feedback will need to be addressed, and resolved within the pull request, before the review can be considered complete.
      • The team board should be updated based on the result of the review (i.e., move the corresponding backlog item to reflect team approval or the need for rework).


  • Completed or abandoned pull request(s)


  • Proposed process changes have been reviewed and refined, and the changes are ready to be implemented into the organizational process guidance.


Process Development Guidelines

Process Guidance Version: 10.4