Develop Process Improvement Objectives

(Activity) for Tier: Governance

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The goal of this activity is to analyze process improvement objectives in order to determine which are the major contributors to reaching the organizational objectives. This will be achieved though collaboration with the executive team, after company objectives have been determined. Once process improvement objectives have been determined an impact analysis must occur that could result in the creation of new policy, process or cause updates to existing process.


Executive management has an agreed to set of organizatioanal objectives.


Organizational Objectives have been created.


  1. Determine Process Improvement Objectives.

    • Discuss Organizational Objectives/Key Results with CTO, COO and CIO. Discuss process improvement objectives and any changes required to support organizational objectives.
  2. Document Process Improvement Objectives.

    • Document any required changes within Azure DevOps, ASG Project Summary page.
    • Create or update appropriate epic and feature work items within Azure DevOps. Prioritize based on the organizational value the objective will provide.
  3. Evaluate Impact to Established Policies and Process.

    • Assess impacts to current policies, processes or newly needed process to support execution of organizational/process improvement objectives.


    These will become user stories that will be added to the ASG backlog via Identify Improvement Opportunities.


  • Process Improvement Objectives have been created or updated to reflect current organizational objectives.
  • Process Improvement Plan has been updated with additional objectives.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4