Individual/Team Recognition

(Activity) for Tier: Organization

View Training


Individual/team recognition awards are designed to recognize special contributions, as they occur, for a specific project or task. These recognition awards are generally for a special contribution accomplished over a relatively short time period. An individual/team recognition award lets employees know that someone has noticed their noteworthy contribution. At the same time, it recognizes and reinforces the behaviors and values that are important at InnovaSystems.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the level of recognition requested and awarded corresponds to the level of accomplishment and to administer recognition in a consistent manner. It is the responsibility of the Business Unit Lead/Director to approve recognition that is warranted and funded. Approved awards are funded by the awarding unit’s recognition budget. Human Resources will review nominations to determine if employees are eligible for recognition.

The Recognition Nomination form must be approved by the Chief Operating Officer (direct projects) or Chief Financial Officer (infrastructure departments).

Supervisors should identify and convey to employees the behaviors and accomplishments that will be rewarded, recognizing that incentives are a powerful motivator if expectations are clearly set out, but are a powerful de-motivator if expectations are not transparent or not achievable. The Human Resources Department can assist supervisors in formulating recognition standards for their departments.




  • Recognition Nomination for



Need entry criteria for Individual/Team Recognition


  1. Completed Recognition Nomination form

    • The completed supervisor submits the Recognition Nomination form for an individual/team.
    • The completed form must contain the recognition event/activity, nominated employee(s) and justification for the award request. The form should also include an estimated total dollar amount for the recognition event/activity.
    • The supervisor sends the completed form to the appropriate BUL/Director for review and approval.
  2. Review Recognition Nomination form

    • When the BUL/Director approves the award request, the supervisor will create a purchase request within the Purchase Tracker indicating the following:

      • Purchase Title: Enter team name, recognition event/activity.
      • Purchase Type: Employee Recognition.
      • Purchaser/Requester: Typically the same, but may differ based on if request is delegated.
      • Vendor: Based on where gift/award is procured.
      • Payment Method: (Company card or Personal Payment).
      • Shipping Destination: Select event location, or Other.
      • Enter purchase items according to quantity and estimated cost.
    • When the BUL/Director denies the award, he/she indicates his/her denial and provides an explanation.

    • The BUL/Director will forward the completed recognition form and purchase request to the Chief Operating Officer (for direct projects) or Chief Financial Officer (for infrastructure departments) for review and purchase request approval.

    • When the COO/CFO denies the award request, he/she indicates his/her denial and the purchase request is cancelled.

    • When the COO/CFO approves of the request in the Purchase Tracker, the supervisor will move forward with procuring the gift/award.

    • All receipts must be scanned and uploaded in the purchase request along with the completed Recognition Nomination Form within five business days of approval.

    • Once uploaded, the supervisor will furnish original documents to the Corporate Administrator.

      • For social outings, itemized receipts are needed to determine the date, time and items purchased. For example, a signature receipt from a credit card purchase would not provide adequate detail such as the time of the purchase, or whether unauthorized purchases were made.
      • If alcoholic beverages are purchased, it must be on a separate receipt from meals or other purchases and should not exceed more than 30% of the entire cost.
    • Gifts/awards purchased with personal funds will be reimbursed within 5 – 10 business of receiving all documents.



Need Outputs for Individual/Team Recognition



Need exit criteria for Individual/Team Recognition



Need next activity for Individual/Team Recognition



Need see also for Individual/Team Recognition

Process Guidance Version: 10.4