Prepare CPARS Submittal and Rebuttal

(Activity) for Tier: Organization

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The goal of this activity is to prepare the CPARS submittal and when necessary to respond with a rebuttal to the initial delivery of CPARS scores. Senior management is responsible for understanding the marketplace, developing business strategies, and defining business objectives. It is also essential that senior management set and communicate these organizational objectives once defined.



  • Previous CPARS (If available)
  • CPARS data and metrics gathered during POP
  • CPARS initial scores from government (rebuttal)
  • Trained CPARS team members


  • For Prime Contracts, 45-days before expected CPARS draft submittal due/expected.




  1. Analyze and Prioritize inputs for Potential Selection for CPARS Input

    • Review List of Feedback in the CPAR Logbook, Monthly Status Reports (MSR), Monthly CPAR Reviews.
    • Create and tell a story for each CPARS area, e.g. similar to storyboards in the Pink RFP proposal process.
  2. Communicate Draft Inputs to Program Sponsor

    • 30 Days before CPAR draft feedback is due, review draft inputs from Step 1 with Customer.
    • Record any discrepancies and handle in CPAR draft write-up.
  3. Prepare, Review and Submit Draft CPAR write up to Program Sponsor

    • 21 days before draft feedback is due, create tasking to build document.

    • Build first draft with revised inputs.

    • Hold document review planning meeting with technical writer and program management.

      • Project Team Review of first draft – red team review for accuracy and completeness.
      • Technical Writer reviews and creates final draft.
      • Chief Operating Officer performs gold review.
      • Final reconciliation and white glove by Business Unit Lead, Program Management and Technical Writer.
      • Due date: Submit to Innova Contracts for submission to the customer.
  4. Upon receipt of draft CPAR scores from customer/COR, submit rebuttal

    • Assess CPARS score received against expectations, and FAR.
    • Within 14 days, provide initial rebuttal, leverage steps 1, 2, and 3 as appropriate.
    • Within 60-days, finalize initial rebuttal, leverage steps 1, 2, and 3 as appropriate.


  • CPARS Draft Documents
  • CPARS Submittal
  • CPARS Rebuttal as Appropriate


  • CPARS Submittal has been provided to the Program Sponsor/Customer.
  • CPARS Rebuttals are loaded in the government PPIRS system.



fill in next activity.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4