Conduct Panel Interview

(Activity) for Tier: Organization


Conduct live panel interviews to identify best qualified candidate to fill an open Requisition ID.


Performed every time a qualified candidate is identified to move forward from the HR and Hiring Manager phone screens into a live panel interview.




The recruiting and hiring manager identify qualified candidates based on a positive recruiter phone screen and hiring manager phone screen. Phone screen notes saved in candidate profile in ATS. Interview panel members have met with the recruiters and hiring manager to plan the panel interview event.


  1. Schedule Face-to-Face Interview

    • The recruiting team contacts qualified candidate(s) to schedule onsite and/or Zoom interview with interview team.
    • The recruiting team sends calendar invitations to team, including recruiter and HM/technical phone screen notes (if applicable) and confirms day/time and instructions with candidate(s).
    • Calendar invitation indicates last 15 minutes of scheduled time to be used for internal team debrief.
    • Interview team to refer to documented interview format and questions established as part of the Prepare for Panel Interview activity.
  2. Configure Interview Technology/logistics

    • Panel members who are attending virtually should prepare their computers to optimize the interviewing experience:

      • Suspend all notifications and reminders
      • Close all communication apps
      • Ensure camera placement provides a clear view
      • Camera is turned on; lighting conditions are optimized (check background)
    • When meeting rooms/Zoom rooms are utilized ensure:

      • Room is clean and chair placement is optimized for the participants
      • Zoom room audio and video is tested prior to the event
  3. Obtain and Assess Interview Feedback

    • Recruiter sends interview feedback link to interview team within 1 hour of interview completion, requesting feedback and hiring recommendation within 24 hours.
    • Interview team holds a quick discussion right after the interview to compare notes and discuss potential team fit – submit feedback form immediately.
    • Recruiter consults with hiring manager or Business Unit Lead (BUL) to determine a hiring decision on the candidate. A hiring decision is to be made within 48 hours after onsite interview.
    • If a candidate is not selected to move forward, the recruiter will notify the candidate they have not been selected for the position.
    • If candidate is selected for hire, the recruiter and Human Resources begin offer process.


Onsite interview notes on all candidates interviewed in Applicant Tracking System (ATS).


  • Qualified candidate is identified for hire.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4