Gather and Review Data for CPARS Submittal

(Activity) for Tier: Organization

View Training


The goal of this activity is to gather performance metrics and other data to inform annual CPARS submittals. Senior management is responsible for understanding the marketplace, developing business strategies, and defining business objectives. It is also essential that senior management document and communicate these organizational objectives.



  • Previous CPARS (If available)
  • Project Performance Data
  • Customer Service Data
  • Operations and Systems Data


  • For Prime Contracts, at the start of a contract and then monthly thereafter.


Monthly or more frequently if required


  1. Plan project team members who will be active participants in the CPARS process. Minimum team size should represent:

    • Business Unit Leadership.
    • Program Leadership to include Technical Writing.
    • Product Owner Leadership.
    • Customer Support Leadership (where applicable).
    • Operations Leadership (where applicable).
  2. Schedule training for all participants, once per each three years.

    • ISI CPAR Training Brief (1hr) – understand CPAR basics at InnovaSystems.
    • CPARS Overview CBT (2.5 hrs.) - overview of the policies and regulations governing CPARS, the CPARS Workflow, and CPARS functionality. Taking the CPARS Overview is a prerequisite to Quality and Narrative Writing and Focal Point Functions.
    • CPARS Quality Writeup CBT (2.5 hrs.) - understanding of the need for quality and accuracy in narrative writing, including examples and resources to aid in creating Past Performance Evaluations. Taking CPARS Overview is a prerequisite.
  3. Schedule CPAR Kickoff Meeting.

    • Pre-work: Analyze all final CPARS received from the government for this contract (if applicable).
    • Meeting Goal: Establish applicable contract performance rating areas to be measured. For example, not all Firm Fixed Price contracts require Cost Control to be completed.
    • Meeting Goal: Establish how the team will measure each area on a monthly basis.
    • Establish a metrics scoreboard for CPARS areas by team.
  4. Gather and review monthly input from BU Stakeholders.

    • Review all metrics by team.
    • Update Historical Tracking.
    • Check change log for new updates otherwise solicit feedback.
    • Assign opportunity/risk/issue work items as required by team.


  • Established CPARS Team
  • Trained Team and Training Plan
  • Monthly Metrics Review
  • Appropriate Opportunity/risk/issue work items


  • CPARS Data is being collected, prioritized, and logged monthly during task order/period of performance.



fill in next activity.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4