Prepare for Panel Interview

(Activity) for Tier: Organization


To provide a meaningful and high-quality interview experience, the interviewing team will meet to prepare for conducting the interview with the candidate.


Every time a panel interview is scheduled.



Approved Requisition ID Candidate resume(s) Recruiter phone screen notes Work Samples Hiring Manager phone screen notes Interview Guide


Candidate has been screened; input artifacts are available.


  1. Ensure Interview Team has Completed Required Training

    • Innova Interviewing video and interview guide
    • Performance-Based Hiring (LIL)
  2. Hiring Manager Schedules Meeting with Recruiters and Interview Panel Members

    • Establish which member will be the panel lead

    • A maximum of four panel interviewer should be involved. If a large team needs to involve more than four participants, two separate panel interviews will need to be planned.

    • Establish interview format, based on the following standard:

      • 5 min – Leader opening, introductions
      • 15 min – Work history
      • 10 min – Best Work
      • 20 min – Performance Objectives
      • 15 min – Problem Solving
      • 15 min – Innova Required Questions
      • 10 min – Questions from the candidate, wrap
    • Utilize the Innova Interview guide for work history, best work, and Innova required questions

    • Discuss performance objectives and specific skills-based questions for the performance objectives and problem-solving sections. Ensure each panel member knows which section/questions they are responsible for.

  3. Document the Agreed Format

    • Ensure all questions are aligned to the appropriate format section.
    • Distribute to all panel members


  • Interview format with specific questions


  • Panel members are trained and prepared
  • Panel members have consensus on questions and format