Capture and Resolve Customer Support Requests

(Activity) for Tier: Organization

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Customer requests for services or help are captured, organized and tracked to closure. If a particular customer request needs to be escalated for help outside of the customer support team’s immediate resources, then it is escalated into a different tier of support capability and gets cross referenced to the appropriate team, group, or company providing the tier’s service in order to provide follow-up status and produce metrics about specific performance of different types of resolutions.


Requests are captured into the team’s customer support system directly as they occur or afterwards if the information is passed along directly to the customer support team member during a face-to-face interaction or other situation where directly interacting with the customer support ticketing system isn’t possible.



  • Customer or end user has service request for Innova product solution, equipment, installation, or training.


  1. Create Customer Support Request Ticket

    • Create customer support ticket for incident / problem or request.

      • Assign service category, subcategory.
      • Indicate urgency and impact.
      • Note specifics of customer or end user, including contact information.
      • If appropriate, assign a different Customer Support Representative to work the incident.
  2. Troubleshoot Support Request

    • Work to resolve the customer support incident as SOPs dictate for urgency and impact, i.e., after recording the ticket another service request might have priority.

      • Add notes detailing next steps or resolution or status as the request is worked. Brevity is preferred so long as other CSRs will understand actions being taking.

      • If required, escalate the ticket to tier 2 or tier 3 team members as defined in SOPs.

        • Record specific information about escalation including any cross-referenced identifiers if the receiving employee uses a different system to track work, e.g., VSTS work item number, etc.
        • Record information about when status will be returned by receiving employee if not governed by a specific service level agreement (SLA).
  3. Track Support Requests

    • Provide status, if required, on open tickets to customer.
    • Follow-up on open tickets with customer, as defined by SOPs.
    • Capture any notes, including changes to urgency / impact that change the tickets status.
  4. Resolve Support Request Ticket

    • Resolve ticket after service or completion of escalation.

      • Resolve the ticket in the system.
      • Contact customer about resolved status as defined by SOPs.
      • Provide survey to customer automatically if available in your current system and required by SOPs.



  • Customer service interactions are captured, tracked, escalated and resolved in the system for the purpose of evaluating current and historical performance.



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