Develop Proposal

(Activity) for Tier: Organization


Developing, writing and delivering a quality proposal product is our primary means of growing business. There are many activities involved in the process but the overall goal is to develop and deliver a quality proposal on every Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request for Information (RFI) that we bid on.


The development of a proposal begins at the time the RFP is released by the Acquisition agency in charge of the contract. This usually happens after the Manage Capture process has successfully completed, and the Executive team has given approval to move forward and commit to responding to a RFP.


    • Proposal Manager
    • Capture Manager
    • Contracts Manager
    • Program Manager
    • Technical Lead
    • Chief Financial Officer
    • Volume Leads
    • Section Authors
    • Finance Team Lead
    • Proposal Coordinator
    • Graphic Design Lead


  • RFP has been published or
  • RFI has been published


  • The opportunity has been promoted to Develop Proposal by Executive Team
  • Proposal Manager assumes lead from the Capture Manager on the Capture/Proposal team
  • Resources (B&P) are committed for Volume Managers, Section Authors and team members


  1. Conduct Proposal Analysis

    • Proposal Manager reviews the proposal checklist and initiates compliance for all items on the checklist.
    • Proposal Manager produces an outline of the proposal or performance work statement.
    • Compliance matrix is developed by the proposal team for each volume.
    • Proposal team members maintain Roles and provide input based on role responsibilities.
    • Volume Leads provide analysis of sections L, M, and C.
    • Proposal Coordinator will review page limit requirements.
    • Proposal Manager will schedule and deliver a kick off brief (complete template) with team members.
    • Proposal Manager will clarify Roles, responsibility, schedule, process and repositories for all artifacts and items associated with the development of the proposal.
    • Proposal Manager will authorize allowable tools, usage, norms, style and shell content for the development of the proposal.
    • Proposal Manager will setup site security to manage the proposal process.
    • Proposal Manager will collect and consolidate questions for the government contracting office and deliver them as directed.
  2. Designate Volume Section and Author Assignments

    • Proposal Manager leads the proposal kickoff and will assign the section leads and volume authors.
    • Section and Volume Leads will develop Storyboards and Annotated Mockups (AMU) that support each compliance area within the proposal.
    • Proposal team works together to define and develop an integrated DAG list and win theme.
    • Proposal Manager will review deadlines and milestone accomplishments along the way to keep the proposal on track and ready for delivery.
    • Proposal Manager will designate color teams and assign members to Pink, Red and Gold teams.
    • Proposal Team will develop and distribute a delivery cadence for team reviews to include deadlines and expectations.
    • Proposal Coordinator will provide formatting instructions and will be responsible for all formatting requirements.
    • Graphic Design Lead will support the section authors with graphic and design recommendations.
    • Technical, past performance, staffing, management plan, cost volume and Executive summary will be developed for review prior to Red team.
  3. War Room Transition to Storyboard Review and the Proposal Begins to Take Shape with Consolidation of Capture Artifacts

    • Proposal team will post templates and examples throughout the war room for eveyone on the team to review.
    • Section Author will post capture documents and relevant material in the war room.
    • All Team members will review storyboards, compliance, DAGS, and themes.
    • Team members will post all graphics in the war room and designate a graphic section on one wall for all updated graphics and those in work.
    • The proposal team will mature storyboards and AMU’s to make sure they reflect requirement compliance.
    • Prioritized requirements are listed in the war room and this list may change as the proposal begins to mature.
  4. Designate Team Review Assignments for Color Teams

    • The color team review schedule and assignments are posted and teams are notified.
    • Compliance matrix check begins with pink team review.
    • Authors will cross-check inputs to make sure the content answers shall and will statements in the PWS.
    • Feedback to authors is provided by the review teams so adjustments can be made.
    • Proposal Manager will schedule and manage the Pink, Red, and Gold Teams reviews.
    • Volume leads and authors will remain on standby to respond and change any of the inputs based on the reviews.
    • The Proposal Coordinator will begin to assemble the proposal volumes.
    • Team members will provide critical reviews with track changes and comments in each of the volumes.
    • A formal competitive analysis is completed and posted for all team members.
    • The Finance Team Lead on the proposal team will produce the pricing model and Price to Win strategy
  5. Manage Proposal Schedule

    • Proposal Manager executes schedule and will make sure deadlines are adjusted based on inputs from the government contracting officer.
    • Proposal Manager will track and manage all proposal tasking
    • The graphic design team will provide additional graphics or artifacts as needed as the proposal matures.
    • Proposal Coordinator will align all volume outlines and content into a smooth draft of the proposal.
    • Proposal Manager and Executives will begin an initial review and provide inputs, all others are pens down at this time
    • The Executive team provides a White Glove review and this is a page by page examination of the final product.
    • The Executive team provides the final approval of all volumes and it is ready for production.
  6. Produce and Deliver Proposal

    • The Proposal Coordinator will prepare all physical and electronic media for submission.
    • The Proposal Coordinator will be responsible and manage all administrative preparation details
    • The Proposal Coordinator will create the cover page and glossary that will be included in the proposal.
    • Proposal production will begin with the appropriate number of copies and type of media stipulated in the proposal.
    • The Proposal Coordinator will assure that the points of contact and acknowledgement of receipt for delivery are identified.
    • The Proposal Coordinator will provide all the packaging and final delivery of the proposal to the appropriate contracting authority.
    • The Proposal Coordinator will complete and post the proposal checklist.
    • The Proposal Manager will schedule an After-Action Review of the entire proposal process for getting lessons learned.


  • Completed proposal submitted by deadline in accordance with instructions.


  • Proposal Manager has archived all artifacts and secured permissions to proposal site(s)



Process Guidance Version: 10.4