
Test advocates for solution quality from the customer perspective. Test anticipates, looks for ,and reports on any issues that diminish the solution quality in the eyes of the users or customers.


The tester’s main goal is to discover and communicate problems with the product that could adversely impact its value. The tester verifies the product backlog item (PBI) acceptance criteria has been met.
Key Responsibility Areas
  1. Create, update and review tests to ensure coverage of user stories to promote product quality and minimize released defects.
  2. Gather and analyze high level test results to determine test recommendation and improvement opportunities.
  3. Conduct verification activities for user stories and bugs to ensure user story acceptance criteria is met and bugs are fixed to promote product quality and minimize released defects.
  4. Refine user stories with team members so that a shared understanding is achieved and INVEST criteria has been met.

Process Guidance Version: 10.4