Write And Review Test Cases

(Activity) for Tier: Sprint


Develop and review test cases to verify the work items assigned to a sprint. Additionally, this activity helps to ensure the business analysts, testers, and developers hold a shared understanding of the work item which helps to reduce bugs.


After sprint launch.




  1. For each work item (user stories and/or bugs) committed to in the sprint, the tester will perform the following.

    • Review the work item to determine if new or updated test cases are needed.
    • Make needed updates the test case(s) to ensure they are complete.
    • Create new test cases for any functionality that is not covered by existing test cases. The new test cases will need to be linked to the appropriate parent work item.
    • Write the actions and expected results to, at minimum, ensure coverage of the user acceptance criteria defined in the parent work item.
    • Consider automation where appropriate.
  2. Review Test Cases

    • Prepare criteria to be used for reviewing test cases. This should specify the expectations for reviewers.
    • Ensure the test cases meet expectations as agreed to by all review participants.
    • Perform the peer review.
    • Capture peer review notes (e.g., attendees, items reviewed, needed changes, etc.).
    • Implement any changes needed.


  • Test Cases are complete and linked to appropriate work items.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4