Verify User Stories and Bugs

(Activity) for Tier: Sprint


To ensure the user stories meet the expectations agreed upon by stakeholders. Additionally, this activity confirms resolution of bugs found and triaged into the sprint.


Throughout the sprint.




Need ASG to determine entry criteria for this activity. (delete this line when done.)


  1. Test Functionality

    • For each applicable user story, execute the test case(s) and record the results. Record results at the most granular level, so that appropriate investigation can be conducted on the results of testing at a future time, when needed. For example, a critical defect within the production environment can be analyzed to determine whether criteria were written and properly executed. In this case, the specific execution result provides the information needed to properly investigate.
    • Close the user story once all test cases have passed and the definition of done is reached.
    • Write and link a bug for any defects found.


At a minimum, all failed test steps should be recorded.


Leverage Azure Dev Ops to record detailed test results. When using the test functionality, any test run against a user story will record an overall summary which includes, test steps, expected outcome and pass or fail of each expected outcome.

  1. Regression Test

    • Based on team norms, regression test areas of the application that may be impacted or at risk based on the changes made within the Sprint.
  2. Exploratory Test

    • Determine additional areas of the application to be tested. The functionality under test is at the tester’s discretion.
  3. Confirm Bug Fixes

    • For any bug fixed in the Sprint, retest bugs and conduct related regression tests. Record the results in one of the following ways:

      • Close the Bug when the defect is corrected and all test cases pass.
      • Reactivate the Bug and assign it back to the developer if it fails. Ensure the status is communicated in the Team Stand-Up Meeting.
      • Reactivate the Bug and designate it for triage so the team can decide the appropriate next steps.


  • Detailed test results have been recorded and available for others to view.
  • Closed user story
  • Bug (new, active, closed)



Process Guidance Version: 10.4