Verify Product Integration Plan and Environments

(Activity) for Tier: Release


Verifying the project’s established environments will ensure they are sufficient to support the proposed product Release Plan and the project’s current solution architecture. Once the project’s Product Integration Plan and Environments have been successfully verified, the project team will be assured they are building and testing the product within an environment that mirrors the eventual production environment. As a result, the team will have a solid understanding how the released product will perform once it reaches its intended environment.


At the beginning of the Release.


  • Project environments have been established based on specifications provided within the Product Integration Plan (PIP).


  1. Review Release Plan & Solution Architecture

    • Review the Release Plan in conjunction with the solution architecture to identify if any new features and/or functionality are required for upcoming release.
  2. Ensure Sufficient Environments

    • Ensure the development, integration, verification, and validation environments are suitable for functionality defined in the Release Plan and sufficiently supports the Solution Architecture.
    • Ensure that the environment specifications are appropriate for the planned release.
    • Ensure the environments sections of the PIP and Software Test Plan, reflect any required changes to meet the needs of the planned release as referenced in the Release Plan and Solution Architecture.
    • Ensure Git repository branch policies defined in the Configuration Management Plan are properly configured.
    • Ensure any tools needed to produce Code Artifacts are up to date and ready to be used during product integration.
  3. Verify Product Integration Plan

    • Ensure the Branching Strategy and Deployment Model is still appropriate for the build.
    • Ensure the build definition(s) are appropriate for the build.
    • Ensure the product integration sequence, verification, and validation actions can meet the new features and/or functionality.
    • Ensure code tools and related artifact repositories have been configured for the new release.
    • Verify the Pipeline(s) used for Pull Requests succeed for the current code baseline.
    • Verify the Pipeline(s) used for Continuous Integration succeed for the current code baseline.
  4. Coordinate with Stakeholders to Implement Changes

    • Coordinate with Operations Manager to implement the required environment changes.
    • Coordinate with Lead Developer and/or Development Manager to implement required changes to the Branching Strategy and Deployment Model.
    • Coordinate with the Test Manager to ensure the verification and validation methods are applicable for the upcoming release.
    • Coordinate with the other stakeholders as needed, to implement the required build definition and integration sequence changes.


  • Environments are configured properly and available to support the Release Plan.
  • Project Environment has been updated (as needed).
  • Product Integration Plan, including the work products it represents, have been updated (as needed).


Process Guidance Version: 10.4