Analyze Peer Reviews

(Activity) for Tier: Release

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The purpose of analyzing peer reviews is to assess and improve the effectiveness of peer reviews. An effective peer review catches bugs before the next step in the process and helps to identify the root cause to prevent the bug or type of bug from occurring in the future. This process is shared among several leaders. The Scrum Master acts as a situational leader for test managers and lead developers. The Solution Architect is consulted and informed regarding the architecture and improvements that may reduce bugs.


Multiple sprints have completed.


  • Peer reviews have been conducted.


  1. Select Peer Review Data

    • Select the type of peer reviews to analyze. This may include code reviews, test case reviews, documentation reviews, or any other type of peer review the team may wish to improve.
    • Gather peer review data to analyze based on the type. For instance, code reviews from previous Sprints or Releases. Data gathered should contain a minimum data set of two or more Sprints.
    • Consider focusing on the peer reviews that contain feedback or appear to have prevented a bug.


    It is important to gather a larger sample of data to be able to determine if there are trends to assist with drawing conclusions. This activity should not focus on an instance of a review.

  2. Analyze Peer Review Effectiveness

    • Review the selected peer reviews in order to gain insights as to where the peer reviews effectively prevented defects or where they may not have been adequate.
    • Conduct a root cause analysis for bugs and inadequate reviews to determine if a change to the peer review method is warranted.
    • Record the analysis per the team’s procedure.
    • Update the team’s procedure to clarify any new techniques or expectations when conducting the peer reviews. Be sure to reference the analysis performed.


Analysis of peer reviews has been recorded.



Need ASG to define the next activity for the Analyze Peer Reviews activity.

Process Guidance Version: 10.4