Create Team Charter

(Activity) for Tier: Product

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The Team Charter is developed to provide direction while establishing boundaries about expected behavior and norms. It is developed early in Project Planning as the team has formed. The charter should be developed in a group session to encourage understanding and buy-in for the direction, norms and behaviors to be outlined in the Team Charter.


At contract award, executive decision to initiate and at each award or major revision of the contract, statement of work or task order.


  • The project has been officially sanctioned by the organization and the Project Charter has been established.


  1. Hold the Team Chartering

    • Meet with the members of the project Team.
    • Record attendees.
  2. Document the Team Charter

    • Utilizing the Team Charter Template or appropriate project defined format, document the Team’s Charter.

      • Declare the team’s purpose.

        • Outline the vision the team is organizing to achieve and the overarching reason(s) the team exists.
      • Discuss and document the Roles the team agrees are required to meet and support the team’s purpose.

        • Assign team members to fill Roles.
      • Discuss and document the norms the team will follow.

        • Set the ways the team will interact through establishment of team norms.
        • Team norms will set behavioral expectations and are documented to set clear expectations for team behavior.
      • Discuss and document the standards the team will follow.

        • Set the basic thresholds the team expects for overall team performance through establishment of team standards.
        • Team standards will set guidelines for team performance and are documented to ensure the team has common expectation for team performance.
  3. Publish Team Charter

    • Update the revision log with a description of the changes.
    • Make the Team Charter available to the team.



  • The Team Charter document is complete.




Need ASG to provide the Team Charter Template that is referenced in this activity.

Process Guidance Version: 10.4