Design User Interface

(Activity) for Tier: Product


Design mockups and/or prototypes to supplement functional requirements and provide user interface details such as layout, workflow, user interactivity controls, and visual design direction. Deliverable to be determined based on the complexity of the requirement and the necessary fidelity level of the supporting visuals.


  • Product backlog exposes enhancement opportunities for existing product interfaces.
  • New requirements require new UI designs or changes.
  • Request for design guidance.
  • Research exposes a design need.


  • Requirement and requests have been reviewed.
  • Adequate details are provided for design support.


  1. Establish Understanding

    • Read through requirement(s) to identify key features that may dictate layout, controls navigation, and styling.
    • Review any available user interface guidelines and identify mockup opportunities to align with guidelines.
    • Refer to research of current user experience, conducting additional sessions as needed. Consult with Business Analyst, Product Owner, and Subject Matter Expert to build an understanding of the business problem, content needed, and discuss possible solutions.
  2. Create Mockup(s)/Prototypes

    • Design mockup(s)/prototypes that model the actual interface to be development. This should include the layout, standard product elements, branding, and navigational elements. Mockups may range from low to high fidelity and include interaction based on the use case.
  3. Review and Approve Design

  4. Store and Organize

    • Store mockup(s)/prototypes in the User Experience Folder within each project team’s site.
    • Link all mockup(s)/prototypes and related artifacts to the relevant work items on each team’s project board. Refer to team procedures for details.


  • UI prototype and/or mockups are completed, linked to the appropriate requirement and task, and are stored in the correct project folder.