Requirements Policy

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 3, 2009


LAST UPDATED: August 16, 2017


The purpose of this policy is to ensure requirements are effectively captured and managed within InnovaSystems Intl, LLC (ISI).


This policy defines Requirements Development (RD) and Requirements Management (REQM) activities for all applications/software developed by ISI.


Responsibility and authority for developing and managing requirements will be assigned to each software project. The assigned group or individuals will be responsible for planning, developing, implementing, maintaining and enforcing the development and management of requirements. Additionally, the assigned group or individuals will ensure all requirements development and requirements management activities are performed in accordance with the organizational set of standard processes.


This policy is authorized by the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Compliance to this policy will be evaluated through an appraisal/audit process. Results of this audit will be provided to the appropriate personnel non-compliance, risks and issues will be submitted to the CTO for remediation.


Requirements activities shall:

  1. Ensure that Roles and responsibilities are clearly understood for process activities and artifacts as defined within the organizational set of standards processes.

  2. Identify the approved customers’ requirement providers.

  3. The development of requirements shall include the following activities:

    • Elicitation, analysis, validation, and communication of customer needs
    • Expectations and constraints to develop customer requirements that constitute an understanding of what will satisfy stakeholders.
  4. Document and maintain requirements in accordance with the organizational set of standards processes.

  5. Ensure that requirements are managed throughout the lifecycle of the project.

  6. Maintain bidirectional traceability (association among logical entities that is discernable in either direction) between the requirements and derived work products.

  7. Negotiate requirement commitments and changes to those commitments with appropriate stakeholders and agree to them in writing.

  8. Manage and control changes to requirements that were accepted by the customer.

  9. Review new and changed project requirements before dissemination to external stakeholders.

  10. Collect, monitor and report measures related to the status and effectiveness of the requirements management effort.

  11. Ensure that the development staff is made aware of pending requirements. Ensure that requirement needs are communicated and work tasks are created for the development staff to implement the requirement.

  12. Collect lessons learned from the activities performed for purposes of implementing continuous process improvement.

Process Guidance Version: 10.4