Meeting Minutes Policy

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 6, 2016


LAST UPDATED: March 10, 2017


The purpose of this document is to establish the policy for establishing the minimum acceptable evidence criteria for documenting meetings that relate directly to meeting related Events in the ISI Software Development Process Guidance. Agile meetings are typically fast, focused and short and do not lead to traditional work products. This policy establishes a lightweight standard for creating traceable meeting evidence.


This policy defines the creation of basic meeting minute evidence for all applications/software developed by ISI.


Responsibility for creating and maintaining meeting minute evidence aligns to the Project Lead. Project Leaders must ensure that all meeting organizers are adhering to this policy by creating and maintaining a timely and accurate meeting minutes when executing activities and Events against the ISI Software Development Process Guidance.


This policy is authorized by the COO. Compliance to this policy will be evaluated through an appraisal/audit process. Results will be provided to the appropriate personnel and non-compliance/issues will be submitted to the Business Unit Leads and the Executive team for remediation as part of the BUL/Executive Cadence.


In a fast paced, Agile software development environment, it is all too easy to lose track of what decisions were made, who owns actions items, when the meeting took place, who was there (or missing). Keeping very light meeting minutes that captures the below criteria solves this problem. Not only does this help the team recall some of the basics that come out of key meetings, but it provides foundational evidence of execution for a large number of activities contained within the ISI Software Development Process Guidance.

InnovaSystems Project Meeting Minutes Shall Contain:

  1. The type of meeting
  2. The date
  3. Required attendees
  4. Actual attendees
  5. Agenda items and assigned actions

Process Guidance Version: 10.4