Data Quality Assessment Frequency

A simple text field or piece of metadata, preferably in the Data Catalog, that states the frequency the that the Conduct Data Quality Assessment is executed.

The benefit of having this data in the data catalog is everyone can see the frequency especially the Data Scientist. The frequency of the assessment may have a major impact on the fitness of use for that data for a particular data science experiment or ad-hoc report.

For example:

A team may dictate that a set of data should be audited or profiled monthly, so the frequency would be monthly.

It is possible that the frequency could be event driven, but that may be harder to manage, and it is unclear how that would be recorded in the data catalog at this time.

It is possible that the frequency could be never.


  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • First of the month
  • First of the year
  • Daily
  • End of day
  • Beginning of day
  • Not audited

The frequency is NOT a list of dates of when the data quality assessments were conducted.

See Also

Process Guidance Version: 10.4