Research Planning

(Activity) for Tier: Data Analytics


Determine interesting questions to research during upcoming Sprint.


First formal Sprint meeting (kicks off a Sprint).


  • Customer prioritization for research (e.g., from SME or CCB feedback) and associated data availability.


need to be define work products for all inputs.


  • Customer prioritization for research can be accurately articulated by the SME.


  1. Conduct customer prioritization meeting (e.g, CCB or WSJF) and record customer feedback, to identify research area priorities.
  2. Conduct Research Planning meeting and record associated work items to track progress (e.g., using ADO) and support follow-on Sprint meetings (e.g., Question Breakdown).
  3. Subject Matter Expert. The SME / Research Lead is accountable to understand what areas are of relative interest and strategic importance to the customer and thus determine which questions for the team to pursue for further research.
  4. Data Scientist. The Data Scientist (e.g., Data Analyst or assigned, qualified Business/Data Analyst) is the foundation for the team. He or she works with the Research Lead to come up with interesting questions, research these questions, and works with the team to represent the results with a creative report or chart.
  5. Data Steward. The Data Steward (e.g., customer with full authority to share needed data) supports Research Planning by communicating data access issues and impediments.
  6. Data Engineer. The Data Engineer supports Research Planning by recommending workarounds to data access impediments to inform research prioritization / decision-making.
  7. Project Manager. Support effective and efficient research subject selection, ensuring alignment to current customer prioritization and expectations, sufficient available data and customer strategic objectives (e.g., Commander’s intent).


  • Organized and sufficiently detailed list of work items to support effective empirical investigation into selected research area (e.g., appropriate ADO Epics, Features, User Stories, Tasks).


need to define work products for all outputs.



Describe any required post-conditions that must exist before this activity can be considered completed.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4