Question Breakdown Meeting

(Activity) for Tier: Data Analytics


Question Breakdown informs the scope of the experiment by decomposing the experiment question into sub-questions. The experiment question refers to the primary rationale for conducting the experiment that was identified in the Research Planning activity. Question Breakdown is a process that decomposes the major parts of the experiment into smaller parts. The smaller parts are sub-questions. Sub-questions consist of a question for resolution by the experiment and the data source(s) required to answer the question. The experiment question usually consists of multiple features or categories of features, i.e. concepts to explore in the experiment. The Question Breakdown activity produces a set of sub-questions related to the experiment question. Every sub-question requires an answer by the experiment team, to satisfy the macro, experiment question. As the experiment question is a collection of features or concepts, sub-questions are generally a question about a single feature or concept. For example, consider the following experiment question: How well does Goodwill or Production predict Revenue? Here the experiment question consists of three nebulous concepts: goodwill, production, and revenue. Therefore, an example sub-question for the goodwill concept might be: Does Net Promoter Score as a proxy for Goodwill correlate to the Marketing Budget? Data Sources: Annual Net Promoter Score, Annual Marketing Budget. Here we have now decomposed Goodwill into a sub-question with that the experiment team will be able to validate with actual data. The process continues until we have sub-questions with known factors and concrete data sources for every part of the experiment question.


After the research planning session



  • The experiment hypothesis or experiment question


need to be define work products for all inputs.


  • The research planning committee has selected the experiment for current sprint.
  • The research planning committee has identified the staff to fill each sprint role and received confirmation of their availability for the duration of the sprint.


  1. Refine data requirements
  2. Refine definitions of features
  3. Refine experiment hypothesis


  • The experiment question decomposed into sub-questions
  • Evidence of traceability of the sub-questions to concepts or factors in the experiment question
  • A listing of all data records required to satisfy each sub-question
  • Definitions of each feature or concept in the experiment. A concept is a logical grouping of features.


need to define work products for all outputs.


  • The Business Analyst submits documentation of the Question Breakdown to the team repository.


Process Guidance Version: 10.4