Create Data Management Business Case

(Activity) for Tier: Data Management


Provides a rationale for determining which data management initiatives should be prioritized and ensures the sustainability of data management by making decisions based on benefits to the project or organization. The Business Case typically examines risks (financial, operational, and reputational) incurred by suboptimal management of essential data assets; the tangible and intangible benefits expected from the investment in data management; and alignment with the InnovaSystems strategic plan.


Creating or updating the project/organization data catalog, Updating, or creating the team charter.


  • Team is looking to define the criticality of existing data elements, newly created elements, or imported data needs to be evaluated.


  1. Define Essential Data Catalog Elements

    • Define and document the essential data management initiatives that must be maintained to deliver minimum viable product value to project stakeholders.
    • Identify and document high-value data catalog elements.
  2. Identify Stakeholder Value

    • Define and document the benefits and consequences of maintaining the identified data elements to sustain or add project stakeholder value.
  3. Align Data Quality Strategy

    • Align to project data quality strategy and project plan by documenting key personnel who support ongoing evaluation and management of identified data elements.

Exit Criteria

  • Team has strong understanding of high-value data elements and the agreed method of evaluation and why those elements are essential to the project stakeholders.

Next Activity

  • None


Next activity is Data Requirements. This activity needs to be defined.

See Also

Process Guidance Version: 10.4